Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day Nine ~ Duct Tape

Day nine was actually on Thursday. Friday and today (Saturday) have been relaxing days. It seems like I do that every weekend. Sorry about that. It's just that I don't really do much on the weekends and when I do I want to be comfortable. 

Thursdays outfit: 

Thursday in my costume design class we did a team building project and we were challenged to make a dress out of duct tape. This was our final project:

We found the go-go boots in a box with costumes from past plays that the school has done and thought they were perfect :) We kept saying that she looked like Daphne from Scooby-Doo but cuter! It was a fun project that was challenging and helped us grow closer to work better as a team.


  1. that is sooooo coooollll

  2. go go girl!! she looks great, and i love all your colors in this outfit!!
